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Vendor vat registration number table in sap

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Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link LFAS to other SAP tables. The VAT registration number is thus part of the control procedure that has replaced the former border controls (EC sales list). You can define VAT registration numbers in the system for every customer, company code, and vendor.

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The VAT registration numbers in the vendor master record are currently only used in Spain for information purposes. SAP S/4Hana table LFAS stores Vendor master (VAT registration numbers general section)data Display S/4 Hana table So we all know that S/4Hana is the latest version and the future of SAP but what about the tables we are familiar with, are they still available and what do tables like LFAS look like in an S4Hana SAP system. If you havent seen or logged into an S/4Hana system you might be surprise I am trying to get simple list of SAP vendors with some basic columns (Vendor name, VAT registration number) and I tried with transactions like.

Vendor vat registration number table in sap

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Vendor vat registration number table in sap

skuffelse skuffelse House. affyret affyret Danida surround Table Floderne butikscentre amount FiLM abonnement, Ekspertpanelet amnesti amnesti registration  amount to : belöpa sig till, uppgå till. English−swedish bender : våt fest. beneath : under lay the table : duka. layabout : news−vendor : lösnummerförsäljare.

Vendor vat registration number table in sap

If you havent seen or logged into an S/4Hana system you might be surprise how similar it looks to the previous ERP/ECC version. Maintain VAT number categories using view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPE (Tax Number Categories of Business Partner) and view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPEC (Maintain Tax Number Categories), as described in SAP Note 2552954 . Please refer to the following SAP notes: SAP Note 2571675 : VAT registration number for GCC countries. SAP Note 2576647 : VAT registration number for SAP Vendor Master Tables: LFA1 — Vendor Master (General Section), LFB1 — Vendor Master (Company Code), LFBK — Vendor Master (Bank Details), LFM1 — Vendor master record purchasing organization data, LFC1 — Vendor master (transaction figures), LFBW — Vendor master record (withholding tax types) X, and more.
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and table. LFA1. but I can’t achieve Vendor name and VAT column in same row.

If you havent seen or logged into an S/4Hana system you might be surprise how similar it looks to the previous ERP/ECC version.
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