Publications in Condensed Matter Theory, KTH Theoretical
225, 128 (2018). nanoribbons from exact diagonalization of the Hubbard model Jessica Alfonsi1 and Moreno Meneghetti Nanostructures for Optics Laboratory, Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova, Italy E-mail: jessica.alfonsi@unipd.it New Journal of Physics 14 (2012) 053047 (10pp) Received 27 January 2012 Published 31 May 2012 Online at Exact Diagonalization – present day limits Spin S=1/2 models: 40 spins square lattice, 39 sites triangular, 42 sites star lattice Dimension: up to 1.5 billion basis states t-J models: 32 sites checkerboard with 2 holes 32 sites square lattice with 4 holes Dimension: up to 2.8 billion basis states Hubbard models Large-scale Exact-diagonalization for Confined Hubbard Model 24 J. Earth Sim., Vol. 7, Jun. 2007, 23–35 to approach the ground state in a very high accuracy like the exact diagonalization, but the application is limited to 1-D or ladder system. From these contexts, if infinite computational resources are permitted, the exact … 2012-05-31 Exact Diagonalization: Applications Quantum Magnets: nature of novel phases, critical points in 1D, dynamical correlation functions in 1D & 2D Fermionic models (Hubbard/t-J): gaps, pairing properties, correlation exponents, etc Fractional Quantum Hall states: energy gaps, overlap with model states, entanglement spectra The computational finite-size approaches on the Hubbard model are roughly classified into two types. The first one is the exact diagonalization using the Lanczos method [10], and the second one is the quantum Monte Calro [7]. The former directly calculates the ground and the low lying ex-cited states of the model, and moreover, obtains various 1987-03-01 Exact diagonalization: The Bose–Hubbard model as an example 593 term is the interaction part (Hˆ int) and is due to the particle–particle interaction, the strength of which is characterized by the parameter U. The Bose–Hubbard model has been realized with ultracold boson atoms in an optical lattice [4]. Moreover, in this system, the parameters Hubbard model is an important model in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems.
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Anderson Impurity Model. PROGRAM SUMMARY. Program Title: EDLib. Dec 11, 2019 tems, ranging from the Fermi-Hubbard model to the fractional quantum Hall effect 1.1.1 Exact diagonalization and correlation functions .
, M. Jaščur b. , A. Bobák b.
Multiplet effects in the electronic structure of intermediate-valence
Temperaturedependenceofspecificheat(a,b) 2020-11-24 · Iskakov, S. & Danilov, M. Many-body physics, exact diagonalization, Hubbard model, Anderson impurity model. Comp.
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5 Aug 2010 exact diagonalization (ED) calculation based on the Hubbard model. We use a small crystal approach and show that, for the π structure of
Exact Diagonalization Study of an Extended Hubbard Model for a Cubic Cluster at Quarter Filling. K. Szałowski a,∗.
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We use the Lanczos exact diagonalization of finite-size clusters up to eighteen sites, and calculate Drude weight, charge gap, double occupancy and spin structure factor. Abstract. We present a powerful method for calculating the thermodynamic properties of the Hubbard model in infinite dimensions, using an exact diagonalization of an Anderson model with a finite number of sites. We use the extensively studied 2D Hubbard model [4] and its natural extensions for our exact diagonalization calculations.
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In the limit of weak interactions, the system is in the semi-metal phase. Siro and Harju (2012) T. Siro, A. Harju, Exact diagonalization of the Hubbard model on graphics processing units, Comp. Phys. Comm. 183 (2012) 1884 – 1889.