30,089 likes · 270 talking about this. A community page about Ray Kurzweil & Singularity. We are the Unofficial page but have Kurzweil staff as admins. 12 Nov 2015 Google's resident futurist and famed inventor Ray Kurzweil takes 100 pills a day to help him reach "singularity," the point at which he believes 31 Mar 2011 If you can survive for 34 more years, you have a good shot at living forever, says futurist Ray Kurzweil. Here are his three favorite dietary 18 May 2016 Ray Kurzweil Takes 77 Supplements Everyday It might seem crazy that Ray is downing 77 supplements a day, but he used to be at 250! He is 1 Oct 2019 A personal message from Ray Kurzweil + Terry Grossman MD. Our selection of vitamins + nutrition supplements, wellness + personal care 9 Feb 2018 Supplementation with ubiquinone, or compounds increasing its natural concentration, has shown a plethora of beneficial effects on cell signaling, 27 May 2009 Suffering from heart disease himself at age 61, Kurzweil takes between 180 and 250 pills a day to help him live long enough to reach what he Kurzweil was ingesting "250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea" every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a Transcend (Paperback).
Spoiler alert: the substances are coenzyme Q10, phosphatidylcholine, and vitamin D. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink/youtubeJoin Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge----- However, as Kurzweil explains in Transcend, his book on the subject, many of us may not be getting the necessary amounts to actually improve our health. Kurzweil will sell you these supplements, by the way, in case you agree with his assessment. The debate about dietary intake and supplementation is ongoing and can get quite contentions. Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil (born 1948) is an American inventor and futurist.
I wrote about Mr. Kuzweil’s “three bridge” theory in a post called, Ray Kurzweil’s March to Extend Life, where he argues that there’s sufficient anti-aging technology available today to enable Baby Boomers to live long enough to benefit from forthcoming technological advances that will keep Ray Kurzweil Diet Supplements A Natural Appetite Suppressant Organic Appetite Suppressant Best Pill To Curb Appetite FDA Ray Kurzweil Diet Supplements Weight Loss Pills Approved by FDA Drugs For Weight Loss Reddit Safe Effective Appetite Suppressant Top 10 Ways To Reduce Belly Fat Storkdelivery.com. 2017-07-30 Ray Kurzweil: The Top 3 Supplements for Surviving the Singularity 2017-07-03 Kurzweil: There’s a Blueprint for the Master Algorithm in Our Brains 2017-06-30 Kurzweil: Mind reading technology identifies complex thoughts 2016-04-19 · – Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near We’ve been “reprogramming” our environment for nearly as long as humans have walked the planet. Now we have accrued enough knowledge about how our bodies work that we can begin tackling disease and aging at their genetic and cellular roots.
For brain health I take acetyl-l-carnitine, vinprocetine, phosphatidylserine, ginkgo biloba, glycerylphosphatidylcholine, nextrutine and quercertin. For eye health I take lutein and bilberry extract.
If it has not been mentioned, Kurzweil markets his own brand of supplements. edit: that doesn't mean he is wrong (I am a big fan of Kurzweil), just that he has a personal stake in selling you (his brand) of supplements. Kurzweil was ingesting "250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea" every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a week in an effort to "reprogram" his biochemistry. New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink/youtubeJoin Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge-----
Kurzweil takes 100 pills a day (down from 250 a few years ago, allegedly thanks to advances in technology) for everything from "heart health" to "eye health, sexual health, and brain health."
Support the Channel by making a Donation: https://goo.gl/ciSpg1big think: http://tinyurl.com/p44pqhpRay Kurzweil: http://tinyurl.com/ancsxIf you can survive
Ray Kurzweil currently takes 150 supplements a day to keep his body at its peak In an interview with Canadian magazine Maclean's , Kurzweil says he hopes the supplements will keep him healthy
Immortality seeking Google exec Ray Kurzweil swallows 150 vitamins a day as part of his health regimen..
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Now he is trying to make it a reality for Google. Carole Cadwalladr meets him
Ray Kurzweil's wildest dream is to be turned into a cyborg—a flesh-and-blood human enhanced with tiny embedded computers, a man-machine hybrid with billions of microscopic nanobots coursing through Search This Blog Which 150 supplements does Ray Kurzweil take daily? August 13, 2017 Ray Kurzweil Singularity.Carole Cadwalladr meets him
big think: http://tinyurl.com/p44pqhp Ray Kurzweil: http://tinyurl.com/ancsx If you can survive for 34 more years, you have a good shot at living forever, says Ray Kurzweil Singularity. 30,084 likes · 75 talking about this.Toyota nyköping malignt tumor
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And he’s planning to achieve that by taking 230 supplement pills, having intravenous supplement treatments once 2015-04-14 Ask Ray | Supplement study quoted in The Wall Street Journal is misleading. Ask Ray | Thoughts on Amazon’s plans to use drones for delivery.