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It is an advanced text analysis or text mining software that covers various indicators especially those which are connected with the frequency of words. What are the Top Free Software for Text Analysis, Text Mining, Text Analytics: Apache OpenNLP, Google Cloud Natural Language API, General Architecture for Text Engineering- GATE, Datumbox, KH Coder, QDA Miner Lite, RapidMiner Text Mining Extension, VisualText, TAMS, Natural Language Toolkit, Carrot2, Apache Mahout, KNIME Text Processing, Textable, Apache UIMA, tm- Text Mining Package, Pattern, Gensim, Aika, Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit, LPU, Apache Stanbol, LingPipe are some of the Text analysis software can monitor customer comments and feedback 24/7 and automatically flag negative tweets or reviews to help you take necessary action in real time. Aids in decision-making: The software helps identify if you need to make any changes to your existing business operations. Right from incident reports to customer complaints, the free text analysis software help to extract information and knowledge discovery. The other uses include but not limited to content analysis of media coverage news, in classification of documents, scientific literature and even in automatic tagged documents. This software can be used for analyzing a text or human language. This freeware will be able to analyze the text based on the category and form high-quality reports of patterns and trends.
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